The community’s vision

Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan

In 2018 the Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan, whose area is almost contiguous with the Hampstead Town ward, was adopted through a referendum with a 91.5 per cent majority of the votes cast. The main objectives of the Plan are to ensure that Hampstead is:

·   lively and contemporary, while safeguarding the fine heritage of streets and buildings

·      enduringly green, with the Heath, open spaces, trees and landscapes well protected

·   safe and walkable, with good public transport and alternatives to use of cars

·      business-friendly – to meet needs of residents, workers and visitors and back local enterprise

- a community with good amenities, a sense of belonging and mutual support

Significant concerns voiced by residents about levels of traffic, large vehicles, and poor air quality informed the Plan’s development, with community responses indicating a high level of support for measures to make Hampstead more walkable.   

These include measures to promote “permeability” (the extent to which an area permits the movement of people by walking or cycling[1]), encourage motorists to be more vigilant through an awareness of shared space, additional crossing points and a reduction in street clutter.

Drawing from the “Naked Streets” principles set out in Camden Council’s 2011 Transport Strategy, the Neighbourhood Plan’s vision is to promote Hampstead’s sustainability by creating a more welcoming environment for pedestrians and cyclists while promoting the area’s vibrancy and historic character. 

To this end, Plan Policy TT2 sets the following strategies to achieve this vision in the Plan area:

  1. Increased permeability of roads, alleys and courtyards

  2. Enhancement of the area’s historic character, charm and sightlines.

  3. Support for the borough-wide 20mph speed limit.

  4. Avoiding unnecessary street furniture, signage and segregation.

  5. Increased numbers of pedestrian-friendly crossing points that promote safety by encouraging road users to regard the street as a shared space

  6. Improved on-street cycle parking

The Plan seeks to limit the impact of heavy goods vehicles and discourage use of the A502 distributor road, which runs through Hampstead.  

HTP Report “A Transport Strategy for Hampstead’s Community”

In 2019 a series of Workshops organised by HTP and led by the then ward councillor for Hampstead Town, Cllr Maria Higson, developed a short report “A Transport Strategy for Hampstead’s Community” defining a set of principles indicating how the vision set by the Hampstead Neighbourhood Plan might be realised. 

[1] National Transport Authority of Eire, Permeability Best Practice Guide