Privacy policy

Privacy policy

 1.            Who we are

 Hampstead Transport Partnership (HTP), a non-political group that brings together community associations including Redington & Frognal Neighbourhood Forum, Heath & Hampstead Society, Netherhall Neighbourhood Association, Lindfield and Langland Association, and the local councillors for Hampstead Town and Frognal wards.

 The group has been awarded funding by Camden Council from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) to enable the communities of Hampstead and Frognal to set out a vision and strategy for their area that can inform future transport planning (the "Project").  This includes addressing issues relating to transport, congestion, and air pollution in Hampstead and Frognal wards, thereby helping to meet the objectives of both the Hampstead and Redington Frognal neighbourhood plans.

 Phil Jones Associates (PJA) is an independent, design-led consultancy specialising in integrating placemaking, transport, and engineering to create great streets and places. It focuses on the delivery of high-quality, innovative solutions that promote sustainable places, enhanced environments, and transport connectivity.   PJA has been appointed by HTP to lead the engagement, research and design work involved in progressing the Project and to produce the resulting project reports.

 2.            Why you might give us your personal information

 If you have attended a community event related to the Project, filled out a contact sheet, asked to receive newsletters, taken part in a survey or supported the Project by submitting comments through its website at, HTP or PJA may hold certain types of information about you.   This Privacy Policy gives you information about when, why and how your data may be collected and how it is kept secure.   You can also change the information that is held, such as your preference for how you are contacted.

 3.            What information we collect

 The information collected may include your prefix (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr, etc), name and email address.

 If you follow the Project on Twitter, Facebook or other social media, you may be allowing access to information from your accounts on those services. To manage what information might be accessible, you can adjust your settings and privacy policies on each social media platform.

 We will only collect this information if you choose to give it to us because you would like to keep in contact with the Project or to contribute to it.

 4.            How we use your information

 We collect the information described above to help us keep you up to date with the Project.  We may use this information to:

 .               communicate with you about HTP's work or about the Project

.               advise you about meetings and other events;

.               advise or consult about activities or events relevant to the Hampstead Transport Strategy or matters relating to transport, air pollution and traffic and air pollution initiatives and other matters that affect Hampstead and Frognal generally.

 Whilst your feedback and comments are greatly appreciated, and may be published, this will only be on an anonymised basis, unless you give your specific consent that a specific comment or view may be attributed to you.

 5.            Third parties

 HTP and PJA may share your personal details with one another, but only for the purposes set out above. In addition, where it holds your personal details, PJA will do so under the controls set out in its own privacy policies, including its Privacy and Cookies policy.

 HTP will only share your personal details for the purposes described above and will never share your information with third parties.

 We are not responsible for the privacy protocols of other websites, even if you access them via links from our website or communications. We strongly suggest that you check the policy of each website you visit.

 6.            Storing and protecting your information

 We are committed to protecting the personal information you share with us. We take reasonable and appropriate measures to ensure your information is protected from unauthorised access and improper use.  This includes making use of established hosted service providers who operate within the United Kingdom.

 Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, you acknowledge that there are security and privacy limitations of the Internet which are beyond our control.

 We will keep your information only for as long as is reasonable for the purposes of the Project and to keep you informed about transport-related matters in the Hampstead and Frognal area.

 7.            Changing your preferences

 You can change the information we hold and can change your preferences about how, when and whether we contact you, including asking to be taken off our mailing list. You can change your preferences at any time by contacting us at or clicking on the unsubscribe button on any communication from us.