Tackling overall traffic volumes was underlined by HTP’s first online survey, in June 2021, when 469 people shared their vision for the Hampstead area

Hampstead Transport Survey

In 2021, continuing concern about traffic led HTP to organise the 2021 Hampstead Transport Survey, which received 469 responses.   A key finding was that just under 50% of those responding considered that it was either “difficult” or “very difficult” to move around in the Hampstead area.   Those responding were asked to define a transport vision for the area and the survey identified the following priorities:  

  • Reduction of traffic congestion, including school-run related traffic congestion

  • Improvement of air quality

  • Reduction of number of large vehicles transiting through the area

  • Elimination of rat running

  • Improvement of public transports

  • Making walking safer.

One of the slides which summaries of the analysis with the top priorities overall is below.

Table showing survey results of priorities including reducing traffic including large vehicles and improving air quality

The full analysis of the outcome of the survey is below.