About PJA - traffic consultants

HTP has commissioned nationally accredited transport experts PJA to run detailed consultations with Hampstead residents and businesses starting April and May this year. PJA will then work with the community, TfL and Camden Council to develop a community-led neighbourhood transport strategy covering the two wards of Hampstead Town and Frognal by September.

PJA is an independent, design-led consultancy specialising in integrating placemaking, transport, and engineering to create great streets and places. We focus on the delivery of high-quality, innovative solutions that promote sustainable places, enhanced environments, and transport connectivity.

PJA are very excited to be working alongside HTP and local residents in the development of a neighbourhood-scale vision and strategy that reflects the aspirations of the local community and stakeholders. The strategy will aim to serve as a key tool to inform future interventions in Hampstead and Frognal.

The brief sent to to PJA by HTP is below.

PJA was one of five consultants approached for proposals for this project. PJA’s proposals were most closely aligned with the objectives of the brief. Their response is below.